
Frenzy Games: News

New Logo Poll Winner


Congrats to Marianne Vanthomme for WINNING the BIG PRIZE by answering our New Logo Poll!

Thank you all for participating!

New Logo Poll Result


It is decided: the FIRST logo gets the popularity vote

Tomorrow we announce who won the the BIG PRIZE, stay tuned!

Thank you for participating in the poll!

New Logo Poll


VOTE for a chance to WIN BIG

We are considering changing our logo

Comment First, Second or Third to vote for your favourite new logo

By voting you have a chance to win a big PRIZE

New Logo Winner


Congrats to Staci Lukeas for WINNING the BIG PRIZE by answering our New Logo Poll!

Thank you all for participating!

New Logo Result


It is decided: the FIRST logo gets the popularity vote

Tomorrow we announce who won the the BIG PRIZE, stay tuned!

Thank you for participating in the poll!

New Logo Poll


VOTE for a chance to WIN a BIG PRIZE

We are changing our logo

Comment First, Second or Third to vote for your favourite new logo

By voting you have a chance to win a BIG PRIZE

New Logo Poll Winner


Congrats to Debbie Gustafson for WINNING the BIG PRIZE by answering our New Logo Poll!

Thank you all for participating!

New Logo Poll Result


It is decided: the FIRST logo gets the popularity vote

Tomorrow we announce who won the the BIG PRIZE, stay tuned!

Thank you for participating in the poll!

VOTE for a chance to WIN BIG


Comment First, Second or Third to vote for your favourite new logo

New Logo Poll Winner


Congrats to Christine Ryfka for WINNING the BIG PRIZE by answering our New Logo Poll!

Thank you all for participating!

News Archive