
Pieces Stuck Under the Tray

Author: Mihai, last modified: 09/02/2024

In certain scenarios puzzle pieces can get stuck under the the pieces tray, making it impossible to finish the puzzle. This happens when you drag a piece too close to the edge of the screen and it goes behind the tray. To solve this issue and finish the puzzle, follow these steps:

  1. Exit the puzzle
  2. Go to Settings (Tap on the Account button in the top right corner of the screen -> Settings). You should see a screen like this:
  3. In Gameplay -> Game mode pick Classic. This will remove the tray and show all the pieces on the screen. You should see a screen like this:
    Settings with game mode Classic
  4. Play the puzzle again without the tray. The tray is not in the way and you can grab the previously stuck pieces.
  5. Go to Settings again and change the Game mode to Pieces tray. This will bring back the tray and let you sort the pieces by shape, color, or edge.

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